Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Feeling Allright at My 12 Acres in the Forest at Otter Point BC. No I Am Not!

I was standing in the Sunshine at the Edge of the Forest, for a Moment I Felt that long lost Feeling of Contentment, quickly it faded, I became Totally Alert.


Totally Alert can be a fine feeling but not coupled with feelings of fearfulness and apprehension :    A DREADFUL FEELING OF IMPENDING OVERWHELMING UN-REBUTTABLE AND OVERPOWERING INTERRUPTION WHICH COULD ARRIVE AT ANY MOMENT.

I have been dragged out of right here, 5 days Jail to Prison to Jail. I was chained up in a Sheriff Van for 6 hours without heat and air. I was in convulsion.

How horrible is it when Police or Magic Police intervention occurs, Terrible. I have been crippled for years as a result, unable to leave the house, immobilized.


Invasion of my property was contrived on February 24 this year and again on June 6, 2017, & 40 other times, as I have not ever been convicted of anything as a result of all those intimidation raids and investigative raids, what it means is that   The Raids were False Raids.

It does not matter, on purpose, by accident, in error, I am still subject to months or years of virtual paralysis after a collapse post raid and on knowing I am all alone and there are so many motivated local and paid opponents. I am refused all knowledge as to who made an accusation, was it enhanced to generate a raid, who turned the what, 911 call, I do not ever get to know, to a serious accusation? How do Police et al get on to my property as a result, right away or a month later or three days later, how is the complaint leveraged and by whom. 

I do not get told a thing by Freedom of Information about Who?

I know what and probably Why I am attacked til I collapse. Nobody seems to care, everyone thinks I must have done something, no it has been an involuntary conflict, unwarranted.



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  TORTURE CANADA   < torturecanada@gmail.com > 1:19 PM (2 minutes ago) to  anewday1 torturecanada@gmail.com Hi, TORTURE! This is my pa...