After my Mother stole my Farmer's and Merchant's Trust account in 1964, I ended up sharing a room in a house like the house pictured right above but in freezing Fredericton New Brunswick. In the Aftermath of my 1967 accident I ended up in a room at the back of a house like the house on the right. I had lived in an apartment in the West End. I got back to renting a house by 1970, and I was employed, but all of that ended soon after this:
May 4th 1970, a 1956 Ford pulled in front of the Mini Cooper I was a passenger within and stopped immediately.
This was the beginning of my third precipitation into the Underclass.
Each time I was thus precipitated, it was not only the event which began the precipitation but also the Despair which is created when your support structure is deliberately destroyed though the lawful outcome which was prearranged by myself or my Paternal Grandfather would make that impossible.
I had a large inheritance at eighteen, in January 1964, while attending University full time, and I was dispossessed of that by my Mother. I ended up in a freezing tenement eating lunch meat sandwiches within a few weeks of my Farmer's and Merchant's Trust account having been seized by my Mother. (The 2nd fund seizure.)
I was injured in a Motor Vehicle Collision I did not cause in February of 1967 and I was denied my prearranged, paid for on each pay check, Affleck or similar `` Out of Work Insurance``. The precipitation into the Underclass is devastating and the anguish and denial of ones worth creates the Virtual paralysis of Tonic Immobility. No one helped each time I was injured in accidents I did not cause but I was vilified instead.
I lived in a room in an indigent tenement and I ate a diet of oatmeal, eggs, potatoes, carrots and onions only. I do not remember eating anything else.
In the Spring of 1969 I recovered to the point where I returned to the Canadian National Railroad though I had to take every fourth week off of work to lay there for most of ten days in a 135* Reclining position. The booking off as unfit was not paid for by the CNR, it was at my cost, a loss.
When I was injured in an accident again in May 1970 the clerk, Turner, at CNR Employee Relations said he had ``thrown all of my paperwork into the garbage`` and when I said I would go and report this to Senior Management he said he would call the Police. ``The CN Police will not listen to you, I am a Yard Foreman`` I said. Turner said `` I will have the Commissionaires call City Police``. I do not remember anything as I fled but the park out front of the Railroad Station and the Ivanhoe Hotel. I starved and laid paralyzed until April or May 1974. I was not given my 'Out of Work Insurance" in 1970 nor in 1967.