Wednesday, May 17, 2017

                               THE  CON     OH! OH! TOO LATE

Paul Ryan announced: If Comey had evidence of wrongdoing by Donald Trump why did he not come forward right away. The timeliness con, it is a constant refrain as justice delayed is denied. 

FBI chief Comey documented the events at The White House and statements of Donald Trump and his own statements I would deduce. He then sought advice from persons who were read in on his notes before taking on the POTUS.  I have been  documenting statements and events contemporaneously for decades. I have tried to instantly report wrongdoing as it was suggested by Paul Ryan that Comey should have done that, right away. All of my contemporaneous reports have fallen on deaf ears. It is a CON to do wrong and carp about the delivery or how long it took.

Donald Trump spoke at length to graduating military conning that the press was mistreating him. The wrongdoing of authorities and law officers is conned alike, the poor things are being picked on.    No one picks on the powerful like President Trump or any Police officer or By-Law officer  from my position, without being really worried about what the response would be.  I proceed only with irrefutable evidence and in great need of relief.  My efforts denied so far I would like to proceed now to rectify and restore the damage which has been done to me.

               OH! OH! the authorities will try to say:  TOO LATE

The Con

                                THE  CON                                  May 17, 2017

                                                                                                                                                                      The exposure of Donald Trump to scrutiny should teach us the workings and the effect of the Con.

The Republican Party in the United States is portraying their plan to tax the very wealthy less as a tax cut favoring all Americans. Government services and support for those unable to care for themselves would be curtailed as a part of the Tax Reform plan of Republicans in 2017. The tax savings to low income persons would be minimal to zero. 

I have observed Republican spokespersons touting the wonderful relief which the new tax plan would bring to alleviate the suffering of poor bewildered citizens caused by the  complicated forms which have to be filled out to pay graduated taxes with personal deductions and tax credits for low earners.

In Canada I have seen flat tax plans proposed for similar reasons by Conservative politicians.         The simplest , oh so carefree and easy, is to charge everyone the same percent on everything.        The sad part of this is that the low earners require the money they receive for food and shelter. 

 The property and businesses of high earning citizens require more of many government services to protect them and supply infrastructure.   Right Wing Politicians wish to enhance those Services and Agencies.  Everyone, proponents say,  honor the Police who protect our property and control the desperate citizens and the addicted citizens and the mentally unfit.  Are most of us conned?

  The truth regarding Police services being rendered to help citizens is that some citizens are declared to be beneath the law. The Police and other Law Officers tell me, for instance, that they do not care or will not do anything for me when I require the protection which I pay taxes to obtain.  Simply because I have been defamed and because I responded to unlawful treatment and acts by authorities with complaints, the entirety of the enforcement, legal and political community  treat me with complete disregard for my needs or the crime being committed which is damaging myself or my property and attack me instead saying that I am harassing the persons who have without evidence or provocation decided they can do damage to myself or my property and get away with it by lying to deploy Police against me. I am an educated property owner who can win a court case on his own, what happens to the poor renter or uneducated person who is subjected to this treatment. They are kicked out of their rental, or dispossessed of their property, jailed, criminal recorded and ruined by the authorities, and made to be  unemployable as well.  Watch out poor you are conned.



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