Monday, April 8, 2019




  1. There is a problem with those who seek to diminish the experience of others. If you are not producing or conveying something of benefit to others, those whom you are affecting, what use are you and what do you think you are doing? There is no " higher purpose " which makes damaging acts acceptable.
    Tonic Immobility and Tonic Collapse are the result of extremely stressful, not able to be resisted attacks, likely starting during childhood. Attacking or calling up an attacking force which makes Lindon collapse and stay that way for years is horribly bad criminal behavior which destroys life experience.

  2. You have PTSD from the police. That's what makes you collapse every time, so that's the cause.

    You thought you were a tough guy and could tell the cops whatever you wanted when they came for you. That turned out not to be the case and now any cop will make you collapse.

    1. I actually had not talked to Cops at all, not as a "Tough Guy" for certain. There was no lawful reason to come for me. Police cannot take a prejudical stance against a person who is not committing an offence.
      My lawyer when I moved here advised me to order Police to leave unless they had a warrant. I did politely and lawfully order unauthorized Police By-Law and Sheriffs to leave my property on numerous occasions and I proactively disproved four false charges that I was Harassing them when they and fake 911 callers were harassing me. Penguin, you and other spoilers, the criminally insane who think Police are in a position of Power over citizens who are on their property and not committing indictable evidenced offenses are useless non-productive nuisances. You make all kinds of assumptions based on your own weird reactive contrarian personality. I am not like you, I do not play tough guy with Police or anybody. I constructively create and produce benefits for other persons and myself.

    2. You have documented well many things. This may not to be to your advantage in any legal endeavors.

      Your collapses all occur when the police are involved. They do not occur for any other reasons.

      You documented your trip to Vancouver for the pleasure of the Crown when they grabbed you and its obvious that experience is the cause of your collapses.

      As I have known you for a long time I can say I have never seen any evidence of collapse before this event.

    3. One of my earliest childhood memories is laying there unable to breathe after I had hair pulled thrown down and jumped on treatment. In 1968 I had a six of eight month collapse. details are in "Disabled not Compensated" and other published dissertation.
      I was virtually paralyzed most of the time between 1970 and 1974 and then repeatedly for several more years but you just blather on, I do not know how you did not see it.
      As for the Pleasure of the Crown it was not at all, it was a manifestation of what French Fascists in the RCMP out of control do. Why the RCMP sent Habitants to Police us in BC is yet to be litigated.
      The Chief Guard at Wilkinson said " RCMP officer Hal Zeike forged a form pretending to be a psychiatrist to get you arrested". In Provincial Court I* forced the Conspiring Lawyer Verhooven who had feigned danger to admit he lied. Only the pathetic sticking together of Law Whores prevented the criminal prosecution of the lawbreakers. You have not ever done anything near like that.
      I did much more and the proof of corrupt and low and (creepy like you are) behavior is there and there are no time limits and tertiary responsibility as the Water Act makes myself and the Queen, not the Crown, 1935, the Queen or King and me, Riparian Owners, together, they own the water and the depression of any type that has or might ever have a water flow and I own and protect the banks and have the use of the King's Water.
      The RCMP are Franco Fascist Queen Haters so of course they do not get it but if necessary the House of Lords in the UK will. I already implemented a precident from the House of Lords into Canadian Case Law,(Truth and Collusion do not coexist. Lying and Conniving are indications of Criminal Conspiracy and should be proven and referred to Crown Counsel for Prosecution, Collard vs Pincombe and I did it all alone on my own in the Supreme Court.

  3. A hypochondriac judged so by a judge, my lawyer Phippen apologized as a pre determined fixed conclusion. "If only I believed you he said." You remember laughter: You are a bald faced liar. I do not like the imaginary and libelous comments you make and I will slam you heavily, you will be summonsed to explain where you got your ideas, you are a lying and libelous liar and fool. I will be in BCSC for sure and I will have you there to answer. You are typical of the uneducated underclass with your rejection and scoffing and although there is nothing to pay, I can sure as hell issue a summons to you and you can see what it is like to be in my sights in Court. I did not run the case where I got the lousy $13,000. for the loss of my Railroad career, I am far more aggressive. I do not make any deals, when I fought bogus criminal charges I always proved my opponents were lying. I swear that you will undergo your most unpleasant experience of a lifetime. If you do not turn up watch yourself get arrested and dragged in to Court. You are not going to lie to defame me.

  4. Do your worst. ;) As I remember I went there with Leonard and Marco to see what the judgement would be. They laughed too. You have always been a hypochondriac and display that very well indeed, on these various blogs you run. As I have repeatedly said, this is really well documented. ;)

  5. Oh yeah. Betty was there too, I'm sure she remembers.

    1. I have been very gentle with you. There is no need to diminish your opinion of yourself. You insist on lying about my credibility and making up discrediting stories.
      I think you live in a `Game of Drones`world.

    2. Your hypochondria is obvious and always was. Its a way to make yourself the victim and then complain about it.

      I may be the only human who liked the last episode of Game of Thrones. ;)

    3. That is because to you the most important thing is to be a Contrarian.

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