This is a fobidden subject blog. I Speak the Unspeakable. Get in Touch with the Untouchable.I Wallow in ethnocentric The most common aphorism within the men’s rights movement is “The pendulum has swung the other way” or some variation of the adage. Feminism in the 1970s and 80s brought about substantial change for women’s rights, especially in the workplace, but many say men’s rights are now being trampled by progressive ideology, social justice, the #MeToo movement, and radical feminism. After the Violence Against Women Act was passed in 1994, men began noticing a drastic disparity in the family court system. Complaints about excessive child support, unreasonable alimony, and false claims of domestic violence – the Silver Bullet – as it is called, have fallen mostly on deaf ears, but today you will find hundreds of men’s and father’s rights websites, social media pages, and advocacy groups that focus on various elements of the “war on men".Rants and Tropes and Cynicism, with not a care in the World.Because this is a Secret Blog, things slip out tho... Oho ho yeah, you are here this is it, this is where I can let it all hang out, In secret, hidden diatribe, facious commentary despicable words which define and describe the sacred in terms profane.