Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I have dictated and attempted to edit this letter but I can only read for a short time and there are still possibly some typographical errors.

The other difficulty which is presented in addition to physical disability is that nobody seems to care, nobody appears to have read any letters in any receptive manner. The only thing I experience besides being totally ignored is being attacked for insisting that neither my person nor my property should be damaged or invaded without my having access to recourse. It is not possible to simply forget and move on when most of one's productive working ability is destroyed by accident injury and not only is there no substitute for the earnings lost but the defamatory process used to implement this denial makes a person vulnerable to additional negative treatment. In addition the continual loss of property and money that I have experienced through abuse of process really results in an impoverished life even though I have property I do not have any substantial earnings and each time I find myself caused another needless expense or another debilitating seizure my life just gets to be less and less and less.

Since I began to write this letter I have noticed that other persons who are injured by an impact to the head and to the brain stem neck area exhibit similar symptoms to the symptoms. I have reported and that these persons with similar injury say that terrifying and debilitating results ensue after any form of seizure. The terrible policy of denying injury and then claiming that the injured person is subject to mental defect and then intimidating harassing and threatening the injured person causes fear and seizures. So often I hear that other head injured persons who are subject to seizure are terrified at the prospect of having another seizure. The policy ICBC, lawyers, Police by-law officers even neighbours and relatives of trying to intimidate or over power me causes terrible fear and seizures. After I experience a seizure I like other head injured persons find that I have regressed, I have lost progress towards attaining mobility and I stop making progress. Sometimes I spend months or even years laying in bed unable to move, if I do move I experience increasing spasm, distress, nausea, inability to breath and of late sometimes severe pain. The strange game of pretending that I am dangerous and that the police should be used to intimidate me on my own property when I have done nothing to warrant this treatment creates a situation and I refuse to take responsibility for this situation and demand that those who are responsible be stopped in the most forceful possible manner from continuing to do this.

It is completely unrestful and terrifying that there will be an armed intervention at any time and it really makes it hard to rest and sleep under these conditions. No matter how many times the allegations of distress are proved to be without merit, the Capital Regional District and Victoria City Bylaw officials RCMP, and Victoria Police consider the complaints to be culminative even when they are proven to have no merit in expensive and time consuming hearings and court procedures. There is no procedure nor any inclination by our law officers which will deter these continual supplicants for Police aid whose fake 911 calls are designed to terrify people they do not like. I have been arrested during these faux-disputes where I am on my own property it is my property which is involved or I won't be there to be disputed with and the Police are helping someone out by allegedly doing their job but there is no provision under the law for them to  act as they are and it is eventually proven in court that I did not commit any criminal act but it is terrifying to be arrested and charged four times and expensive. I was dragged off my property at Otter Point by RCMP turned over to Victoria Police and released in Victoria and I was innocent of all charges, that was the height of what drove me away from the apartment building in 2001. Recently I was threatened with the issue of a warrant for my arrest during a rentalsman dispute where a tenant got out of her lease and got eleven hundred dollars compensation for a fake mouse complaint, there are still no mice in the building nine months later, but while I was trying to appeal the rentalsman decision I was threatened that a warrant would be issued for my arrest if I wouldn't pay the $1,100 dollars. Have you ever been threatened with arrest? You don't know what its like if it hasn't happened to you and it is worse still if you know that you're being defrauded. Just to make this clear, the Crown has processes and agents who are available for persons to start trouble. The lax  control which is exercised results that regardless how carefully and lawfully one behaves something could be made up at any moment which could start the terrifying process where Police or Sheriffs become a physical threat and a source of terrifying and unrelenting hyper-vigilance. This has got to stop.

There are even more irrational and terrifying aspects to the enablement of such abuse. After my December 20th 1986 accident my ex-wife Betty Collard said to me "You better be careful your worth more to me dead or divorced." A few years later she said to me "My lawyer (Tyler Lucci)  and I know about your neck and back and we are going to put so much pressure on you that your neck and your back are going to go." "The Police are turned on to you I have told them that you are violent and aggressive and fly off the handle." This nonsense is embedded in Police records and is available to any law officer or lawyer and I wonder who else. It is absolutely untrue I am a predictable and non violent person. I have never hurt so much as a cat or a bird nor am I capable of executing any form of physical violence. I have been more and more disabled and incapable with each succeeding accident injury and of late I have begun to suffer more injury as a result of numerous collapses which occur when I am threatened with Police intervention which if you watch You tube or the news you must realize is violent and dangerous and not motivated rationally.

Again I'll mention the culminative nature of complaints which even when they are unproven or dis proven create an attitude of hostility towards an innocent person and there is a desire to punish me as if I am a troublemaker. I have pursued a remedy for this dangerous debilitating and frightening situation.When I attempted to remedy this matter by obtaining legal council I found that there was no who was interested. It was actually said to me that I "was the sort of person this law firm couldn't represent." I was advised that I had better find myself legal council. How terrifying. When I couldn't obtain representation I decided that I would bring suit over lying prevarication and thus obtain the evidence which would allow me to obtain proper legal representation as this would overcome the defamation which had been created regarding myself. Harold Turnham of Turnham Woodland Waddell Rupponi came to court lied and had me sourrounded by Sheriffs as I was pleading my case as plaintiff not a defendant before the Supreme Court of British Columbia. Harold Turnham had repeatedly interrupted me, had waggled his fingers right in my face grinning and chuckling. I collapsed when I was surrounded by the sheriffs which Harold Turnham called into the court room to surround intimidate and terrify me. I have not ever been able to return to court since one more hearing after that where the Judge threatened that if I continued to "assault Mr. Turnham's integrity" which is to insist that Mr. Harold Turnham was lying and was abusing process, I was threatened "We have cells here we could lock you up" I have not ever been able to return to a court room again to plead any form of case and this is extremely disabling for a person who is in business and who must deal with the situation I have outlined in this letter.

The result of all of this is that I cannot drive my car or walk about freely. Even when I am on my own property in the city of Victoria or in Sooke BC or at Otter Point I can never get over the feeling of dread or impending doom despite the fact that I own the property in most cases for hundreds of feet in each direction. There have been to many invasions of my property. It makes it hard to fall asleep when rest is needed in order to attend an appointment or a meeting or any structured time event. I also mentioned to the psychiatrist that quite often sleep is only obtained for a few hours. There is some sort of feeling of unrest associated with being on a property that you've been dragged off to jail over by a false complaint. What is a false complain? for one:  no one is in danger and two: It doesn't stand the scrutiny of the courts. But false as the complaint can be one has been dragged off to jail or forced to come to court and could get dragged off to jail just for making some minor error and even the most false and unprovable allegation if its serous enough can keep you worried and keep the Police after you for years.

The abusive process and the denial of remedy which results in a situation such as I have outlined in this letter must be brought to a stop and I am sure that neither the fake 911 callers nor the lawyers nor the Police will stop voluntarily. Something has to be done to stop and to remedy this abuse.


   The system of justice where there is so much variability and where there is no certainty is a source of peril. There are many situations where a person with nothing to lose can start not even a contest, but a role of the dice and the outcome can be and is extremely devastating for the unwilling victim of this process.

    A vengeful neighbour or relative can make a number of unjustified complains
or create a defemation which will come to the attention of Police and then the Police will make a protracted and extensive attempt to lay a charge create a criminal offence or a situation where economic loss insues and this is a process where the unwilling vitim did nothing to iniceate the process nor to justifiy the process but is still criminalized and disinfranchised even if there is no conviction and worse still if there are court appearances and imprisiment and the unwilling victim is guilty of nothing. No charge can be proved but then the Police are madder than ever at aperson who ldid nothing to iniciate or justify their anger.


Why not start a divorce action against the family breadwinner. The perasitic partner has little to lose and will be supported by the state win or lose, but the breadwinner will immediately experience economic devastation win or lose if the bread winner loses as is usual the result is devastating and anguishing.

     Even some sort of pushy trespasser can start trouble that is devastating and unnerving for the property owner of tentative property. Trouble is started and then the trespassing trouble maker goes off to his undisturbed home leaving the trespassed upon and defamed or maligned or falsely accused victim to deal with the trouble that has been started with what ever Government Agency or Police Organization which has been recruited by the trespasser. In other words you can't sit at your own home under these circumstances and know for sure that if your not bothering anyone no ones going to bother you.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


   The system of justice where there is so much variability and where there is no certainty is a source of peril. There are many situations where a person with nothing to lose can start not even a contest, but a roll of the dice and the outcome can be and is extremely devastating for the unwilling victim of this process.

  A vengeful neighbour or relative can make a number of unjustified complaints
or create a defamation which will come to the attention of Police and then the Police will make a protracted and extensive attempt to lay a charge create a criminal offence or a situation where economic loss ensues This is a process which the unwilling victim did nothing to  initiate. Then the trespassed upon and defamed or maligned or falsely accused victim  is left deal with the trouble that has been started with what ever Government Agency or Police Organization which has been recruited by the trespasser. In other words you can't sit at your own home under these circumstances and know for sure that if your not bothering anyone no one is going to bother you..

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


   The system of justice where there is so much variability and where there is no certainty is a source of peril. There are many situations where a person with nothing to lose can start not even a contest, but a roll of the dice and the outcome can be and is extremely devastating for the unwilling victim of this process.

  A vengeful neighbour or relative can make a number of unjustified complaints
or create a defamation which will come to the attention of Police and then the Police will make a protracted and extensive attempt to lay a charge create a criminal offence or a situation where economic loss ensues This is a process which the unwilling victim did nothing to  initiate. Then the trespassed upon and defamed or maligned or falsely accused victim  is left deal with the trouble that has been started with what ever Government Agency or Police Organization which has been recruited by the trespasser. In other words you can't sit at your own home under these circumstances and know for sure that if your not bothering anyone no one is going to bother you..Why not start a divorce action against the family breadwinner. The parasitic partner has little to lose and will be supported by the state win or lose, but the breadwinner will immediately experience economic devastation win or lose if the bread winner loses as is usual the result is devastating and anguishing.

     Even some sort of pushy trespasser can start trouble that is devastating and unnerving for the property owner of tentative property. Trouble is started and then the trespassing trouble maker goes off to his undisturbed home leaving the trespassed upon and defamed or maligned or falsely accused victim to deal with the trouble that has been started with what ever Government Agency or Police Organization which has been recruited by the trespasser. In other words you can't sit at your own home under these circumstances and know for sure that if your not bothering anyone no ones going to bother you.


Blog dated  August 10 2010

I have often been horrified to the point of collapse and nausea   by the terrible knowledge that if any Government Agency Court or Police process is begun it is unlikely that there will be a just outcome.

Colonel Morris Davis had a bit more hope for justice but he says  that the jury and Judge he feels will do their best to insure justice but under the system we have created and allowed to exist it is unfortunate that doing justice is a matter of crossing our fingers and hope that the people involved will do it".

I do not think our judges and lawyers even try to do fair justice it is a game to them, and unfortunately its a game where cronyism and a circling of the wagons effectively protect any who wish to administer justice unfairly from any consequence.