Thursday, September 1, 2011




The “have to investigate” doctrine is a misinterpretation of Canadian Law which has the effect that while you are at your home or business, at leisure or at work anywhere you can be interrupted by the arrival of Regional District Authorities or Police and have to account for yourself or even be “found in contravention” and hauled off to a frozen cold windowless concrete cell, at any time. The proponents “have to investigate” could be sent to your home or other location by a phone call from an anonymous source. You or I could be selected for special attention for any number of reasons which are beyond control.

I have to address the arguments which are advanced that would enable the unlawful interventions against myself while I am on my own property which I find destroy my peace of mind, my enjoyment of my property and my ability to do work .

A test of what is reasonable and just is what would a reasonable man knowingly agree to willingly. The administration of justice is not to be an unknown factor . I am constantly subjected to unwanted and undeserved and unexpected interventions into my affairs where the property involved is unequivocatively mine . It is unlawful to enter onto another person’s property with the intent to do damage . To merely enter onto private property is not unlawful ; when you are told not to enter or your intent is to do damage or even to merely discomfit the resident or owner, then the entry is unlawful and is trespass or even a violation of the Criminal Code of Canada , an offence under the Protection of Private Property Act .

I find that the trespasses and destruction of natural habitat which have occurred at my twelve acre property at Otter Point BC are or were damaging and distressing . The reaction of the Capital Regional District was to always ignore calls to come to my property and view and document violations of various regulation or trespass which have damaged or are damaging my property and which are visible, not complained about, as gone now but had happened or would happen . The Federal , Provincial and Regional District officials and enforcement officers will ignore what is right in front of their eyes and call police and create documents and profiles based on alleged fears of future retaliation against persons who have created destruction or damage or are retaliating against me by fabricating complaints .

The continual triggering of Police and Regional District Authorities against me in response to my complaints about trespass and property damage has gone on for decades . The CRD have not ever protected my property , they state that this is their policy. They will not only refuse service to me but they will assiduously try to punish, provoke and criminalize me . They treat every noise complaint about any tenant or animal on my property or every allegation about what I must be doing as a justification to invade all of my properties in Victoria and out here at Otter Point as well . They attack me with bogus charges and of late collect fines by manipulating the situation so that no rebuttal of the allegations can be accomplished . Don Brown and Miles Drew and any of their staff or superiors I have met or contacted think that they do not need a warrant to enter onto my property , they think they can enter onto my land to “ have to investigate”. The CRD typically bring an entourage of police with them to accost me on my property and never ever even once have they arrived while anything was happening , it was always regarding some other time that a complaint is phoned in and they flood onto my property up the 160’ driveway and, in writing, they say that if there are any doors or windows open , they are coming in . What reasonable man would knowingly buy property to be subjected to such abuse ?   

The Supreme Court of Canada has ruled that it is not lawful to step one foot onto private property without a warrant, I have viewed the video taped proceedings on C.P.A.C. in addition, I have viewed the Supreme Court of Canada Justices' ruling that in is a stalking, criminal harassment offence to be visually examining ones neighbours property with the intent of informing authorities.

If you are truly being disturbed in a serious manner or you are actually in danger or your property is being damaged by the actions of persons on adjacent property's, you can call the Police or Regional Authority's to your home or place of business to observe the damage or annoyance which is afflicting you on your property.Don't think you can send them to another persons property. Just don't do it.




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