More than just job records, which there were, seven years at the Canadian National Railroad, there was the letter rating my training program's excellence and the AAA Industrial Credit Rating from the Bank of Nova Scotia as a result of my owning and operating Advanced Method Jewelry Manufacturing. 

At Otter Point there was visible evidence of my work which was two houses, one was burnt down by the Institutionalized Palfry Madman and accomplices.

This is the existing second house which I paid for and like the first one I had to finish it and then work on it and around it.

In Victoria I held an Automobile sales job for two years and there was my installation and four years of production operation, (making product and cleaning), at my wife`s business, Chocolate and Vanilla Belgian Chocolate Desserts. ("We are taking you down. It is a 'fait accompli', your entire family is in agreement : You are going to create a major business for me to be the operator of  or I will Divorce you and you will lose all of your assets to legal fees and you will be disinherited from your Father's money.)

I was injured in two accidents I did not cause in 1967 and in 1970 and denied my paid for ``out of work insurance``. I had to withdraw my pension monies after the 1970 accident and live on that in poverty while I was virtually paralyzed or had severe Tonic Immobility or Collapse Immobility.  

The tactics of the Insurance Companies which delay payment for years leave the unfortunate disabled accident victim without money or earnings and without any infrastructure to work within. 

The existing infrastructure which supported and made employment possible was not physically at first and then not administratively available to me.

Many years later I was able to finance and build a business, AMJ. I sold it and I had Gold Bullion and Manufactured Inventory to pay for half of the property cost and the inventory would have been worth enough to pay the remaining Thirty Thousand Dollars I owed. Financing and building Infrastructure was required to have the Factory to work in. Getting my job back would have been less work, not required financing and would have been just as lucrative.