Thursday, February 14, 2019


Genius and Bullshit do not belong in the same sentence. 

Genius which involves Total Recall, Mathematical, Scientific, Artistic, Literary and Musical Skills engenders the endowed person to be capable of understanding and knowing about the mental processes, perceptions and beliefs of ordinarily intelligent people and those of fools,morons and the mentally ill. That stream does not flow both ways. The Perceptions, mental Processes and Understandings of very intelligent persons are not readily apparent to ordinarily intelligent persons. Some of the work of Geniuses is not able to be comprehended by even very intelligent persons who may have Genius of their own.

When the Work, Theory or Conclusion is not understood it is absurd to call the process and results Bullshit. Bullshit would have to involve a false declaration of Work, Theory or Conclusion. I have a loathing of and a fear of Bullshit. Bullshit can be used to damage an innocent, diligent and honest person. Regardless of how well and morally and ethically one would behave, when Bullshit is tolerated and supported  and acted upon one is not safe from capricious attack.

I am subject to Tonic Immobility or Collapse immobility which means I can lose all ability to control muscles and I fall vertically straight down. To me it feels like the weak knees at the high jump into the pool below a cliff, like the body turned to water and I slump compressing and misaligning skull, neck, back and knee and leg joints.Often the left leg would fold flat. Collapse persists for years.

From the age of four to twelve years old I was constantly set upon by my Mother with a steel edged Yardstick and a thick hickory broom handle and often by stealth. She would sneak up and nail me or I would enter the house to be hit over the heads with a broom handle.

Perhaps the most damaging assaults may cause the default in the back position to be in a form of reversing of the arch of the back to fallen in in the center of the spine. Tonic Immobility was also called  Swayback.

My Mother would come up from behind when I was reading or at a desk or she would lie in wait or call me into room she was in and my Mother would violently     grab my hair and yank it usually to the right then more violently to the left and twist my neck, throw me to the floor thus and often she would jump on me and pull my spine into a reverse arch by my hair.

 I spasm into this position after a Tonic immobility Collapse and remain thus crippled and locked for three years this time the condition worsened by threats of Police action and the continual invasion of my property by hostile threatening individuals without and within the Police.

A contributing factor with all Tonic Immobility or Collapse Immobility would be being on edge that a danger could present at any moment. Childhood Abuse is also theorized to be a potent contributing factor. 

I was queried, "What is wrong with your neck?" I answered, "At my age, it is very damaging to collapse". I always get the "Why didn't you move?" " YOU married her" is another harp. I explained all of this and I was told that this was "Your Bullshit.`` That means my collapse and injury and attempt to future safeguard my self are Bullshit.

 No the Fake 911 calls and false complaints are Bullshit. My outraged response cannot be Bullshit. The Police raid enabling fake complaints coupled with the standing conspiracy by Law Officers to always pretend to be in DANGER even if they are raiding based on Bullshit. I have been hauled off by the Sooke RCMP based on an out of juristiction proven to be actively false and perjurious complaint. I was chained up feet and waist and wrists together put in an frozen concrete box in Sooke transported in a rickety airplane over water with out a life vest and chained and then left for hours in an unheated unventelated van and I was badly crippled again.

The Lawyer who set it up admitted in court that he could not swear to the truth of his allegations. Beating him myself using the Collard Cross in Provincial Court in Vancouver explained one Blog back is actually demonstrated and executed


 The false complaints and I can prove it false documents are


I was also called Crazy in the criticism of my explanation of why I was holding and tweaking my neck. All the BULLSHIT with False Complaints and Malicious and False Defamation and the Police and Prisons and Prison Vans and Concrete Underground cells and rickety Prison Planes and the out of Jurisdiction  and made up charges and most of all the Vandals and Trespassers and to make it really bad the poor ex-wife with the children in danger have to get rid of Lindon

                                   THAT IS CRAZY 


  1. Genius it is now. Wow the sheer stupidity boggles the mind.

    No your crap is crap. Its obvio0us to anyone and claiming we cannot appreciate your genius is beyond belief. I mean its there for all to see.

    You have jumped the shark. Look it up.

  2. These are the works of a serious narcissist and I will be laying down some truth for the 3 or 4 people who might read this some day.

    This stems from a messy divorce almost 40 years ago. More later.

    1. Betty extorted money and did nothing based on her Divorce threats starting within 16 months of my signing a marriage contract.It had nothing to do with love. She said she got married to get divorced right after the contract was signed.She was pregnant or I would have sent her back to her parents. "Messy divorce", on purpose, she wanted out , I OFFERED HER A BRAND NEW HOME TO BE BUILT FOR HER WHERE EVER SHE WANTED IT. I want to make life as difficult as possible for you she answered, a parasitic spoiler, no wonder you like her, like you.

  3. Betty realized that he had no love for anyone other than himself. As there was no room for anyone else in his heart she instigated divorce proceedings.

    That was a massive shock to our dear proprietor and he said some really stupid things to people he should really have been more careful with. The authorities do not take any kind of threat lightly and madness ensued. Suffice to say, the authorities won and the various blogs and social media camping in several places over this began.

    1. I had spent 10 years and built two houses for the family. You can spread bullshit, but that is devotion to the Family. I have not ever threatened anything but legal action as a warning. Betty never worked for ANYTHING AND DIVORCE WAS MORE FREE MONEY. You should stop lying about what happened, what I said and did.



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