Wednesday, May 17, 2017

                               THE  CON     OH! OH! TOO LATE

Paul Ryan announced: If Comey had evidence of wrongdoing by Donald Trump why did he not come forward right away. The timeliness con, it is a constant refrain as justice delayed is denied. 

FBI chief Comey documented the events at The White House and statements of Donald Trump and his own statements I would deduce. He then sought advice from persons who were read in on his notes before taking on the POTUS.  I have been  documenting statements and events contemporaneously for decades. I have tried to instantly report wrongdoing as it was suggested by Paul Ryan that Comey should have done that, right away. All of my contemporaneous reports have fallen on deaf ears. It is a CON to do wrong and carp about the delivery or how long it took.

Donald Trump spoke at length to graduating military conning that the press was mistreating him. The wrongdoing of authorities and law officers is conned alike, the poor things are being picked on.    No one picks on the powerful like President Trump or any Police officer or By-Law officer  from my position, without being really worried about what the response would be.  I proceed only with irrefutable evidence and in great need of relief.  My efforts denied so far I would like to proceed now to rectify and restore the damage which has been done to me.

               OH! OH! the authorities will try to say:  TOO LATE

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