Tuesday, June 6, 2017

British Columbia Special Provincial Constable: The results of research.

 Researching the powers of the British Columbia Special                     Provincial Constable is disturbing. 

My last post was just yesterday. Today I cannot breathe, will not be able to drive though I really should go to Victoria. I can hardly open my eyes, my body is weaker than ever, on the verge of collapse all the time. Hypervigalence causes me to jump or spring to alertness.This is the result of another bogus Police visit.

The research which I conducted informs thus: The Special Constable here yesterday was here to start a process which would lead to charges against myself. The Police powers of and Police support of whatever the British Columbia Special Provincial Constable did, put me in a position of complete vunerablity  and subservience. Whatever the Officer does is protected and the Officer is protected and can do no wrong and my tax money will defend the Officer. One wrong word from me and I could face animal cruelty charges or be dragged off by Police to jail. Terrifying, paralyzing.    (I just ran outside when a vehicle motor stopped somewhere, out I went to face Police before they swarmed in.)  A Sooke RCMP Member told me " If any doors or windows are open we are coming in".     I just ran out again, breathless this time, huge crash like when Police kick at the doors. 

A Capital Regional District By-Law officer told me: "The CRD is a 24/7 operation, we are coming anytime..."  The Crown Employees are turning my tax money against me, financing their agenda.

 Someone lied to effect the latest visit, the dog was not visible, down in the creek bed, not my dog, not tied to the pickup on a short leash creating animal cruelty.

The Officer here yesterday thought she could come on to private property to investigate. She was polite enough to honk her horn so I could come out and of course may have believed the dog could be here and might bite her.  I think the British Columbia Special Constable is an innocent victim of misinformation about going on to private property and about the animal cruelty, the short lead tied up to the truck; she probably believed liars. Heaven help me if I was In the Officers Face at her place based on my misinformation by a liar, I would be in jail forthwith. It  seems as if my vision is pulsing with heartbeats, my body is so tense. Animal cruelty, a baseless and disgusting allegation, who made it up, who embellished with the short lead, all night tied to the pickup truck, caller, 911, Police, CRD?

  Am I now listed as investigated for ANIMAL CRUELTY?

The number and frequent location of British Columbia Special Provincial Constables is astounding if I have properly understood that part of my research. I have no doubt that if some of the officers or employees at an agency are Police Powered, the little helpers without the Police Powers will act the same as the the fellow workers with the Powers: no wonder every low level crown employee or dogcatcher wants me to acknowledge their power and show my subservience. 

        There is a list of Crown, Municipal, Provincial, and Corporate, Agents,  Employees, Investigators, Inspectors, License Granters and more:

  Google British Columbia Special Provincial Constables   

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