Wednesday, August 11, 2010


   The system of justice where there is so much variability and where there is no certainty is a source of peril. There are many situations where a person with nothing to lose can start not even a contest, but a role of the dice and the outcome can be and is extremely devastating for the unwilling victim of this process.

    A vengeful neighbour or relative can make a number of unjustified complains
or create a defemation which will come to the attention of Police and then the Police will make a protracted and extensive attempt to lay a charge create a criminal offence or a situation where economic loss insues and this is a process where the unwilling vitim did nothing to iniceate the process nor to justifiy the process but is still criminalized and disinfranchised even if there is no conviction and worse still if there are court appearances and imprisiment and the unwilling victim is guilty of nothing. No charge can be proved but then the Police are madder than ever at aperson who ldid nothing to iniciate or justify their anger.


Why not start a divorce action against the family breadwinner. The perasitic partner has little to lose and will be supported by the state win or lose, but the breadwinner will immediately experience economic devastation win or lose if the bread winner loses as is usual the result is devastating and anguishing.

     Even some sort of pushy trespasser can start trouble that is devastating and unnerving for the property owner of tentative property. Trouble is started and then the trespassing trouble maker goes off to his undisturbed home leaving the trespassed upon and defamed or maligned or falsely accused victim to deal with the trouble that has been started with what ever Government Agency or Police Organization which has been recruited by the trespasser. In other words you can't sit at your own home under these circumstances and know for sure that if your not bothering anyone no ones going to bother you.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


   The system of justice where there is so much variability and where there is no certainty is a source of peril. There are many situations where a person with nothing to lose can start not even a contest, but a roll of the dice and the outcome can be and is extremely devastating for the unwilling victim of this process.

  A vengeful neighbour or relative can make a number of unjustified complaints
or create a defamation which will come to the attention of Police and then the Police will make a protracted and extensive attempt to lay a charge create a criminal offence or a situation where economic loss ensues This is a process which the unwilling victim did nothing to  initiate. Then the trespassed upon and defamed or maligned or falsely accused victim  is left deal with the trouble that has been started with what ever Government Agency or Police Organization which has been recruited by the trespasser. In other words you can't sit at your own home under these circumstances and know for sure that if your not bothering anyone no one is going to bother you..

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


   The system of justice where there is so much variability and where there is no certainty is a source of peril. There are many situations where a person with nothing to lose can start not even a contest, but a roll of the dice and the outcome can be and is extremely devastating for the unwilling victim of this process.

  A vengeful neighbour or relative can make a number of unjustified complaints
or create a defamation which will come to the attention of Police and then the Police will make a protracted and extensive attempt to lay a charge create a criminal offence or a situation where economic loss ensues This is a process which the unwilling victim did nothing to  initiate. Then the trespassed upon and defamed or maligned or falsely accused victim  is left deal with the trouble that has been started with what ever Government Agency or Police Organization which has been recruited by the trespasser. In other words you can't sit at your own home under these circumstances and know for sure that if your not bothering anyone no one is going to bother you..Why not start a divorce action against the family breadwinner. The parasitic partner has little to lose and will be supported by the state win or lose, but the breadwinner will immediately experience economic devastation win or lose if the bread winner loses as is usual the result is devastating and anguishing.

     Even some sort of pushy trespasser can start trouble that is devastating and unnerving for the property owner of tentative property. Trouble is started and then the trespassing trouble maker goes off to his undisturbed home leaving the trespassed upon and defamed or maligned or falsely accused victim to deal with the trouble that has been started with what ever Government Agency or Police Organization which has been recruited by the trespasser. In other words you can't sit at your own home under these circumstances and know for sure that if your not bothering anyone no ones going to bother you.

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